
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

If you hear of any anti-terrorist 'exercises' going on tomorrow in London, keep well out of the way

Dr. Jim Willie joins Paul Sandhu on “Wake Up and Live” radio for a very important update and immediately announces that conditions are getting extremely delicate in Europe and the Ukraine with Germany breaking away

Jim shares what he calls ‘extreme news’ as Ukraine’s military is now getting crushed with the help of highly trained mercenaries and even more notable, the Western Kiev puppets are getting out of the Ukraine as quickly as they can as Ukrainians rapidly awaken to what really happened to their country.

TAP - I don't know this source well.  How reliable is he?  The likely consequence of the defeat of the Kiev regime by mercenary forces fighting in Eastern Ukraine, is for Germany to lose interest in further confrontation with Russia.  The Ukraine military is being crushed.  The mercenary forces are from all European countries.  The European Freedom Fighters (as called) include soldiers from Britain, France, Germany, Holland and others.  The French detachment of the EFF today captured an American Blackwater mercenaries group, currently under interrogation.
(I wonder if they're being fed intelligence from the US military from oath-keepers determined to stop the Zionists from winning)

TAP - Is the defeat of Kiev deliberately being engineered to justify full involvement by NATO later this week?  Or is this a genuine catastrophe for Mossad, the CIA, the Jesuits and the Zionists?  

Dr Willie - We have fascists running the US, the UK and the EU.  They are seeking war wherever they can do so.  Most Germans have had enough.  German business has invested heavily into Russia, and don't want a war there for economic reasons inter alia.  They're breaking with Washington over Ukraine.  The US economy is collapsing.  The US elites want the European economy to collapse also, so they can impose a wordwide totalitarian state.  The Germans want out.

TAP - I prefer Dr Willie's military news to his financial assessments.  Is he right about them?  With NATO's big meeting coming up in the next couple of days, there will no doubt be more developments coming soon.  One thought being that if they want a false flag in the UK (the very recent change in the terror alert level announced by Theresa May was suspicious), they'll think hard of doing one the day before the NATO meeting starts in Newport, South Wales i.e. tomorrow.  Let's hope enough 'oath-keepers' in the UK security forces are able to stop anything from happening.  If you see any anti-terrorist 'exercises' going on tomorrow (or any other time), keep well out of the way.  The totalitarians must be desperate to hit back.

Kiev militias are being given corridors to move East, where they are surrendering, being re-supplied with food and essential items, and being reprocessed to fight against Kiev.


  1. I watched what you're saying about unpaid trained mercenaries coming in from European countries on RT last week to fight the resistance cause and I do believe Ukraine to be politically, economically and militarily practically bankrupt.

    Regarding NATO we'll have to see what transpires from the NATO Summit meeting in Wales at the weekend but considering that 64 individuals from NATO representative countries will be making decisions for 7 billion people who have no voice and no choice is a far cry in my eyes anything closely resembling democracy.

  2. The defeat of the Ukrainian Armed forces must be a big shock for the NAZIs, Gordon. The morale of their enemies, that is humanity, should be running high now. But one swallow doesn't make a summer. What comes next?

  3. sovereigntea6:51 pm

    02.09.2014 Author: Jim Dean
    Kiev Coup is Collapsing

    Once again we see Western aggression leaving nothing but death, destruction and broken states in its wake. There is the old saying that we all are supposed to learn from our mistakes in life, but that is a dead cliché now. We do just the opposite by repeating them over and over. How stupid is that?

    The Kiev Coup-meisterings are staggering around like a Spanish bull at the end of a Sunday fight, tired and bleeding. They seem to have no strategy other than lie after lie, their favorite being “The Russians are invading!!” If the military high command had the brains and the guts, they would do a counter-coup, crush the Right-Sector and the Oligarchs, and save what is left of the country. How do I know they don’t have the guts? If they did, they would have done it already.

    The West has pulled out all the stops to hide what is happening. Corporate media has gone propaganda all way in this fiasco. Kiev’s under-reporting of its killed and wounded has set a world record. Palace guard troops seem to be outfitted well and can fight accordingly. The regular units have Soviet-trained officers.

    The Right Sector battalions seem to prefer fighting unarmed civilians, and of course shelling them. When they are attacked, they give ground while retreating to the nearest regular army unit for support. The National Guard units seem to be on the end of the supply chain and with corresponding morale to show for it. I watched one video of a soldier demonstrating how to dress, roast and eat a snake. But frankly, I prefer the old fashioned lunch box.

    For the units that were sent off on flanking movements with no support, they found themselves getting supplied with excuses instead of the needed combat maneuver supplies. The New Republic forces have used the expected tactics of attacking supply columns to resupply themselves, while wearing down the flanking Kiev forces with harassing attacks and mobile warfare.

    Most of the Ukie formations that have surrendered were doing so when basically out of anyone to fight with, or when needing medical care for their wounded. They realized they were being used as sacrificial lambs to draw defense troops away from the major cities to make them easier for the main Kiev units to take.

    The battle tactics changed when the Donetsk command structure was revamped. It seems all the captured Ukie equipment was being refurbished, and new units trained in larger formation tactics needed to sustain counterattacks which the smaller units could not. The effects have been devastating, with Kiev units that could not withdraw being surrounded, hopefully into submission.

    Kiev’s casualties have been high, and the stories we have about the Ukrainian army field care are just horrible — like amputations without anesthetic, and wounded soldiers being exploited to pay for supplies and care. Those fortunate enough to have families that could come to get them have brought the stories of corruption and incompetency back to the rear areas. The result was the big protests we saw in Kiev this week. We even have reports of masses of women lying down in the streets to block convoys.

  4. Anonymous8:28 pm

    Lol Lol Lol ... Hip Hip Hooray. The whole lot is coming down. Germany and Russia not playing patty cake....Hahahahaha. The World is fighting back. Get ready for the cull of the Century the Elite are finished. Satan has had his day. Rothschild get their cummuppence.This Henry is what we needed to hear.

  5. I'm still not entirely sure. The moves so far could easily be a choreographed build-up. Putin could be playing his side of the act and is a Rothschild Zionist stooge. It's good to see the civilians being protected in Eastern Ukraine. It's too soon to start celebrating anything else.

  6. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Tap said: (excerpt) "One thought being that if they want a false flag in the UK (the very recent change in the terror alert level announced by Theresa May was suspicious), they'll think hard of doing one the day before the NATO meeting starts in Newport, South Wales i.e. tomorrow."

    Hi Tap, that got me thinking of the 7/7 false flag outrage that occurred the day after London was announced by the IOC as the 2012 Olympics host country with all the accompanying fanfare.

    I would hazard a guess that the possible false flag you mention is far more likely the day AFTER the wretched NATO summit in Cardiff, as these psychopaths don't want anything or anyone raining on their parade as it were. Just afterwards would do nicely.
