
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Carswell sends panic into Conservative Head Office. The whips had nothing on 'im. 'A non-paedophile lurking in our ranks!'

Carswell: The Old Parties Respond

from Guido

“This is a regrettable and frankly counterproductive decision. As  Douglas Carswell said, the only way to get a referendum on the EU is to return a majority Conservative government. The Conservative party will contest the forthcoming by-election vigorously to make sure the people in Clacton have a strong conservative voice in this parliament and the next.”
‘The Conservative Party will contest the by-election vigorously, to ensure that the people of Clacton have a strong Conservative voice in this Parliament and the next.’
“Douglas Carswell’s defection is a hammer blow to David Cameron. Confidence in David Cameron is collapsing inside a Conservative party which is divided and running scared of UKIP. David Cameron’s weak leadership has seen him abandon the centre ground, repeatedly trying to pander to his own right-wing backbenchers rather than concentrate on the needs of the country. Now even his own side are abandoning him.”
Panic stations.

Something must have changed his mind, say his colleagues.  Maybe the realisation that Cameron's all mouth and no trousers, combined with the realisation that the UKIP charge is unstoppable.  Eurosceptic Britain has to stop supporting the Conservatives.  It's a total waste of time.  Will UKIP be any better?  With nil hope left anywhere else, UKIP has to be worth a try.

Remember Carswell supported Cameron in the leadership battle in 2005.  This is a big blow to Cameron.


  1. Anonymous3:07 pm

    The german nation also lost millions of people to the jewbankers wars, we have no choice but to vote UKIP
    Poor cameron hes been sharing his bottom with the jews and now they may dump him !

  2. Anonymous4:18 pm

    a great speech from a great man
    thankyou douglas carswell

  3. Anonymous4:20 pm

    Moshe Solomons on radio said he wanted to get out because some serious allegations of historic boy-nobbing in the conservative party is due to be released,
    harvey Proctor a scottish chap and another whose names i forget now
    I beleive he did it becasue he belives in UKIP

  4. Chris Jones6:24 pm

    ukip maybe a short term improvement than the pro eu con libs but they are for just as much if not more corportacracy than the other parties-the WTO they want to be part of is a bigger corporate bully than even the EU..

  5. Anonymous5:44 am

    we need cast iron guarrantees what UKIP will do, personally i hate racism, the the main parties are full of it, so i am leaving the BNP and will now vote UKIP and urge others who hate the racist polices of the main parties to join me.
    I just wish Oswald Moseley was still here he wwa very against racism of the commie and the jew

  6. Anonymous8:50 am

    As of the 1st of November this year there will be no option for a referendum. All the parties know this.
