
Friday, July 25, 2014

Wreckage from MH -17 (actually MH-370) shows exploding was from the inside of the plane not from the outside

Anonymous said...
The actual picture of the wreckage
The picture is the good proof that the shrapnel was hitting the plain from inside. 

Take a good look how metal is being punched. 

Not from outside. 

It's being punched from inside - sign of the bomb exploding in the pilot cabin -  TAP -  or a missile?  Not flak as some have suggested.  That would need  the holes to be heading inwards.
Anonymous said...


  1. regardless of what Putin is... he's under attack from TBT (not just normal US Neo-Con nutters... but Zionists and Israel!).

    Im going to make a stand on this... IM BACKING HIM! I've always been in two minds as to whether to support him... this has just made my mind up! (it was the same with Gadaffi to an extent... I know what these people and I know what their not! Shame same can't be said for Fidel Castro!)

    concerning peadogeddon... push hard for impartial head of inquiry (push for an independent panel of experts and campaigners if possible.
    - push for an 'all encompassing' investigation'
    -PUSH FOR A 'NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE UNIT'!!! headed by SOCA and NCA(year or two?)

    IN DEFENCE OF ‘UNCLE’ PUTIN! ;D… and proposing for a ‘National Child Abuse Unit’ to be created by NCA/SOCA…

    (GCHQ have promised NOT to attack my blog... so it is me and no-one else! Anything silly, drunk talk or misinformed will be removed)... I am attempting to make a detailed analysis of MH370 and MH17...)

  2. Ask Farnborough which plane the black boxes came from .

  3. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Looks like SERCO and the Soames family are up to their necks in this propaganda.
    Without a doubt we are being lied to over various events, question is why ??
    Why would our Prime Minister go to the funeral of trooper Rigsby, a non existent person, why ??
    What are we being set-up for.

  4. Anon 8.27... WW3? :/
    (I clocked it in 09)... we're ALL being set up for a war!

    Im trying... I am honestly, with ALL my soul trying, thinking how take this down...

    (you got a shout out Henry!... though some of your commentators are absolute bell-ends!)

  5. Anonymous9:23 am

    Wnat to know where all this started - the cabal - then check this out Brilliant researchers.

  6. Anonymous9:12 pm

    "though some of your commentators are absolute bell-ends!"
    Yes, we know.
